Going full on green is not as simple as it has been made out to be.
I started small by drinking less bottled water and filling up the same container with filtered water from home. I also bought the cloth bags for grocery items and put them in the cars.
I find I need to put my purse into one of the bags to remember to bring them in with me.
My husband calls me a tree hugger and I read online a new line "granolier than thou".
He's just jealous (wink). Whole foods and Farmer's Markets have become a second home to me.
When I have to go to a grocery store it makes me cringe at the sight of all the processed foods.
Yes, my kids still eat some processed foods....but they are limited.
Asparagus and spinach are my new favorites. When I was growing up you couldn't get me to eat anything green (sorry mom). But I have changed my 'green' ways. Those of you who know me know I still will NOT eat broccoli...and I seriously doubt that will ever change.
Small changes can make a HUGE impact on your body and life. Add little green to your day!